Are you Happy? Your mood could be the first sign in over reaching in your training

Are you Happy? Your mood could be the first sign in over reaching in your training

Are you Happy?

Simplistic question, but complex and introspective at the same time.
Our “mood” is affected by so many internal and external variables. How we react to something (one of the principles of Stoicism) can be trained, but it’s also strongly hormonally and neurologically driven.

Mood plays a big role in coaching athletes; when, as a coach, you are pushing purposeful stressors (training, nutrition), it’s important to be aware of the first signs of over-reaching. This may NOT be displayed as hunger, soreness, reduced capacity, sleep dysfunction, or tanked libido. Mood alterations are usually the first.

So how is this “H” useful, if it’s so subtle and easily influenced?
Big picture overview: we are designed for “happy”; this is why our brains create serotonin. Sleep, carbs, physical touch.
If hunger is in check, libido is as per normal for you…check your overall happiness, and ask yourself “how can I change what isn’t making me happy?”


Author: Mike Kesthely

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